Melodic Death Metal - Das ist die Musikrichtung, der sich das Pforzheimer Quintett verschrieben hat!
Geboren aus Staub und Schatten…
ARTCH wurden im Januar 1983 von Cato und mir (Bernt) aus der Taufe gehoben. Zu jener Zeit waren wir gerade mal 16 und 17 Jahre alt. Ein Jahr später gab es bereits erste Line-up-Wechsel.
- Formed in the Winter of 1994 AB by Routa and Valtias and a couple of other musicians under the name of Celestial Agony
Denmark’s Artillery is easily appointed one of Europe’s earliest exponents of thrash metal, and the band’s contribution to the bourgeoning genre is difficult to ignore.
In 2002, Artimus Pyledriver released their very first 5 track EP “Southern Fried Rock” which the band dishes out an angry, soulful, almost Southern blues riff-rock, bottom-heavy like COC and driving a
Artirilium wurde am 4. Januar 2000 im Greenhouse Studio Lengede gegründet. Die Formation bestand damals aus Drummer, Bassist und Gitarrist (Jörn Kunnert).
It’s hard to believe that a veteran metal band like San Diego’s As I Lay Dying could be just hitting their stride now, some 10 years and five full-lengths into an already stellar career.
AS WE FIGHT started in july 2001 in Fredericia, Denmark. Throughout the next six months new members from local hardcore bands were recruited to create a solid well-functioning hardcore band with th
Delivering some of the most memorable, intense and catchy death metal to date, AS YOU DROWN was born to combine the speed and brutality of the modern death metal scene with the atmosphere and catchy s
Die Geschichte der melodischen Wikinger begann im Jahre 2002 als sich, die damals noch recht jungen Recken namens Buliwyf und Hrodgar gemeinsam in der von Freunden gegründeten Band "Suicide" wieder fa
German Black Metal Horde.  
Ascension of The Watchers, the creative journey of Burton C. Bell and John Bechdel, is a vision born of life, love and spirituality.
