Truckfighters are back with the sizzling new album V. Yup, you guessed it, it’s their fifth album and it’s pretty great. 
Anno 1993: Berserk (guitar) and Nag (bass/vocals) form TSJUDER, who are joined shortly by Draugluin on second guitar in 1994.
Tsorer was risen in late 2006 in order to unleash raw black metal in the traditions of the old days.
Tulus was formed 1991 in Nittedal.
Will man den Sound der Wittener Band Tumulus beschreiben, kommt man leicht in Schwierigkeiten, denn musikalisch lässt sich das Quartett in keine Schublade stecken.
And so it happened, oh dear and gentle readers-the ievitable: two coasts merged - east/west, left bank/right bank, cool/uncool - this humble LA suburban punk who loaded his crap into his car, and drov
..from the ashes of the San Francisco punk rock scene rises an onslaught of ROCK featuring Erica from the legendary hardcore band MDC.
Beneath The Underdog: TURBONEGRO2003 is the year of the Ox. But more than that it is the year of the Turbonegro, the Imperial Underdogs of Scandinavian Rock.
Hear the roaring thunder? Finland’s finest metal export, Turisas is coming back - stronger than ever.
Auf den Schultern eines jeden normalen Menschen stapeln sich im Laufe der Jahre mehr und mehr Probleme.
Gegründet 2001 in Malmö.
