
Under That Spell

BiografieIn the end of 2008, after leaving his previous Band “Helrunar“, songwriter and guitar-player Dionysos formed the German Black Metal band “Under That Spell” by including “Sin” on bass (also known as a live member of Helrunar), “Abyss” on vocals and “Euphorion” on battery.

The concept leading to the band's name relates to the weak spirits of nowadays society and modern life in general. Intended in a hateful but also philosophical manner, “Under That Spell” combines the traditional and atmospheric style of the early 90's with rather modern elements, to express their own interpretation of what Black Metal is today.

In May 2009, the band got signed by the German label War Anthem Records, they released the debut-CD "APOTHEOSIS" on 15th December 2009.

After numerous shows and festivals, the band is now ready to present their second album "Black Sun Zenith"! This one will be released on 28th October 2011! Quelle: - Apotheosis

2011 - Black Sun Zenith


Apotheosis - Cover
Nach seinem Abgang bei HELRUNAR hat deren Gründungsmitglied, Songwriter und Gitarrist Dionysos UNDER THAT SPELL gegründet, ein Quartett, in dem unter Anderem auch Sin, ehemaliger HELRUNAR-Live-Bassist
Black Sun Zenith - Cover
Mit ihrem Erstling “Apotheosis” hat die Truppe um den ehemaligen HELRUNAR-Mastermind Dionysos einen echten Überraschungstreffer gelandet, der in der schwarzen Szene größtenteils positiv au