
Thy Final Pain

BiografieThy Final Pain - massive rhythmic death metal

Thy Final Pain 2010"A massive rhythmic death metal penetration created in the depths of two minds insane, ready to rule the world of metal once and for all, shattering the foundation of earth. Time for retaliation is now! Enter the crypts of insanity!"

The temptation of self-realisation in music soon led the murderers of sanity to their one and only obsession: the possession of making death metal, in yet new but sometimes still oldschool spheres of expression. The goal of Thy Final Pain is to rule the world of metal - in life and death. Music is the source and the fuel of a hate filled soul that's wandering in darkness!

Thy Final PainFounded in early 2007 the musicians' creative insanity resulted in the full length debut Epitaph - 51 minutes of pain reflecting the depths of insanity in music and lyrics. Armed with this record and a lot of live-playing experience, Thy Final Pain were confident to take the next steps of their crusade: Conquering the stages throughout Europe and worldwide.

The members

Thy Final Pain was founded by guitarist Simon Dorn and bass player Marc Jüttner, who met for the first time during a rehearsal session for a concert of the death metal band Debauchery where they played in 2006/07. Both shared the idea to create a musical project where they could let out their own visions of death metal. The result of this was the foundation of Thy Final Pain in January 2007, starting with "My Temptation" as their first release.

In June 2008 the live band was completed with Sascha Weber (guitars) and Lukas Nicol (drums), both left the band in mid 2009. Currently, the lineup is completed by Christopher Carapetyan (drums). The band's headquarter is in Stuttgart/Southern Germany.

The name

Thy Final PainThe intention of the newly founded band's name is as easy to understand as the name itself: The songs of Thy Final Pain are about the ultimate and final pain which is to be felt within the last moments of life, where one will be confronted with the weakness and the ambivalence of one's lifework. Feelings and impressions of the whole human lifetime are shown from different views and are described in words anybody might easily understand.

The releases

The first Album 'Epitaph' was self-released in early 2008. It was a mixture of the band's first songs, and at the beginning, the band did not imagine that it would attract much attention - contrarily, the press reactions were consistently positive, and at the end of 2008, Thy Final Pain signed a record deal with the german independent label STF-Records. With STF, the second album '...Of Life And Death' was released in May 2009 and got even more positive feedback from magazines and fans. Later in 2009, Twilight Distribution started to distribute the debut CD 'Epitaph' in Germany and worldwide. About one and a half years later, in late October 2010, the band released the third album "Desire, Freedom And Confusion", which is even more variied and mature than the second album, without leaving the band's oldschool roots. Quelle: - Epitaph

2009 - Of Life And Death

2010 - Desire, Freedom And Confusion
