

BiografieSubaudition was formed in the beginning of 2003. The duo's intention was to create extremely emotional acoustic music - as opposed to the rock/metal kind of projects they had had earlier. Subaudition's first demo-cd Waves at Ease was released in January 2004 and it included five tracks that displayed the band's potential to the emotional music audience and media.

Immediately after releasing their debut demo the band started creating music for their second release, which was at that supposed to be an EP. However, six months later the guys were already recording a full-length album that was to include nine tracks. The recordings were finished in October and the guys sent the disc out to a handful of labels and members of the press. The labels' interest surprised the band, even though they knew The Scope was no average debut album.

The negotiations for a record deal started with a certain German label and after some time the contract was inked. Subaudition's debut effort was officially released in April 2006. All in all, reviews have been positive, and we've gotten praises & feedback from all over the globe through our Myspace site. So if you haven't already, check out our mp3s and buy the album from your reliable Prophecy retailer. Anyone interested in atmospheric music in the vein of Anathema, Pink Floyd, Tenhi, Sigur Rós and The Gathering should find 'their piece' from Subaudition as well.

Since completing their debut album The Scope in late 2004 the band has slowly but steadily created new music. Written during an exhausting four-year period and recorded in 2008, the new album Light on the Path sees the band move to a more song-driven direction. The fact that Light On The Path took four years to be completed speaks volumes about the effort that went to their new album.

With the release of their upcoming sophomore album Light On The Path, Subaudition has become an entity of its own. Something that comes alive through painstaking meditation and submission to something greater than the people behind it. This can also be heard from the album which channels a rather different kind of energy compared to the band's earlier output. Light On The Path sees Subaudition move into more acoustic, less ambient sort of approach. The group has brought in beautiful string arrangements which represent a new kind of courage and audacity in their music. Songs like Sínne and Feathers Fall combine the cinematic vibe of Sigur Rós and the melancholic folk undertone of Tenhi. In the minimalistic The Soul Unto Aether and in the electrifying Wall Of Water there are small hints from the more epic songs of the likes of Antony and the Johnsons and even Coldplay. A little less obvious, perhaps, is that the biggest inspira tion for Light On The Path came from the legendary Estonian composer Arvo Pärt.

In late 2009 Subaudition is also going to return to stages, first in Finland, and hopefully later in 2010 also in the rest of Europe. We're actively looking for opportunities to play live, so don't hesitate to contact us about live gigs.Quelle: Light On The Path www


Light On The Path - Cover
SUBAUDITION liefern mit „Light On The Path“ den ersten Soundtrack für den kommenden Winter: langsam, getragen und sehr melancholisch, wie es sich für Finnen so gehört wird da zur Sache geg