

BiografieMOROWE is a deadly breath of melancholy and chaos. MOROWE is a devil's breath on your neck. In case of contact with blood - it burns and infects, when reaches the heart - it kills. Feeling of coldness and shivering, of fever, sluggishness, pain and dizziness, insanity, shortness of breath, thirst, vomiting and diarrhea (often bloody), cloudy urine that stinks like a horse, insomnia, swelling, and bubo. Here is MOROWE.

Rediscovered in the early twenty-first century somewhere in the basement of Upper Silesia.Quelle: - Piekło.Labirynty.Diabły


Piekto.Labirynty.Diabty - Cover
Die Polen MOROWE veröffentlichen mit “Piekto.Labirynty.Diabty“ (die originale Schreibweise besitzt eine Art „L“ mit diagonalen „t“-Strichen, so dass unsereins auf d