
Kosmic Horrör


by Tamila Bascovich.

The more we learn about memetics and their influence on viral communication, the harder it becomes, to see the Zarkov persona as mere fantasy.If his host-body takes its obsession seriously or not, says the least about the potential impact of this invasion of our world by the Klinzhai (vulgo: Klingons). We have seen nut cases, who only spoke thlIngan Hol (vulgo:klingonese). Yet Zarkov acts different. He is social compatible and rational.His madness has some method. The way he switches between credible psycho babble and incredible, yet precisely formulated, prose, is clearly calculated.The Zarkov Character can be grasped, as sonn as one admits the logic of the collective unconcious, and its wishes for fairytale adventures and heroism.

Sooner or later we will have space migration in the solar system, and even sooner the developing curves of fashion, body modification and genetic therapy will cross crictical limits, beyond them, we won´t be able to distinguish between humans and aliens any more. Yet these are only speculations based on conventional wisdom.

Zarkov stands above that. He confronts us with te possibilities of trans temporal communication, and quantum logic. If this is possible, then perhaps it has already happened. beware, the more we talk about it, the more increases the probalility that such a thing actually happens.This is the point, where we succumb to Zarkov´s madness. If we follow his vision of the klingon invasion, it will become reality sooner or later, and then we can´t falsify his statement, that he got telepathic orders from the future, any more!Quelle: - Zarkov Protocols Vol. 1

2010 - Zarkov Protocols Vol. 2