Als Vinyl schon länger erhältlich, gibt es das Debüt der Belgier JERUSALEM THE BLACK nun auch als Silberscheibe, die um zwei Songs erweitert wurde. Genet Records, alles klar, Hardcore. Nicht ganz.
BiografieOpen your window through morning coffee. Your sunset is vanished, the sky is darkened with locusts and a trembling earth is scarring the land. You just had your last dream of a happy ending as you inhale the last possible pinch of air through your nose. You'll suffocate in seconds and nobody will be left to mourn. The only thing left is resurrection and judgement. JERUSALEM THE BLACK witnesses the arrival of the Whore of Babylon. When she seduces the Beast of Rome the only thing you can wait for is the opening of the first seal. JERUSALEM THE BLACK awaits the end of the world, spending their waiting time on the production of intense sound. With the "WHORE OF BABYLON, BEAST OF ROME" ep the band gave a prologue of what is expected to be a dark, intense and cold starring style of music. With influences that go from Black Sabbath, Pentagram, The Bronx, Murder City Devils, Cro-mags and Sixteen Horsepower... JERUSALEM THE BLACK isn't making it easy on themselves. Some call it hardcore, Some call it "murder city music", some call it suicide on a piece of vinyl. This band awaits the trumpet sounds that will make Jerusalem golden. This band awaits its judgement. This band awaits by writing songs, recording albums and excorism on every stage in every town and village.Quelle: Whore Of Babylon, Beast Of Rome Jerusalem The Black