
Homo Iratus

Biografiehomo iratus were formed in early july 1998 by Argyris ( drums ) Alex ( Guitars - Vocals ) and Kostas ( guitars ). After one month they released their first demo "Absence of Progress" that got great reviews from zines and mags around the world. Not a long time after that, Jim joins in as the main singer.

During the summer of 1999 they recorded a Promo ( 2 Tracks ) And used the song "False Criteria" for a compilation CD "Vibes From Bellow" by PSYCLONE SINPHONIES.

On November 1999 Aggelos joins in on Bass and on April 2000 Kostas leaves the band due to personal reasons. From April 15th till mid August 2000 the band recorded and mixed its fisrt full length material released under the title : " Human Consumes Human ".

In April 2001 Homo Iratus Strike 4 album deal with Arctic Music Group and " Human Consumes Human " becomes an Official release and Homo Iratus´ debut album.

Live appearences include shows with : Malevolent Creation, Hateplow, Napalm Death, Children Of Bodom, Impaled Nazarene, Nightfall, Less Than Human, Disembowel and many others.

In February 2001 Vocalist Mitch announces to the rest that he can no longer follow the band to its endeavors and leaves. Thomas Bairachtaris, a long time friend ( former member of Exhumation and now on Avoid ) joins in to help untill a permanent replacement is found.

At this time a new Mini CD release is on the way, recorded with Thomas and some touring plans are ahead.

Quelle: http://www.arcticmusicgroup.comDiscografieHuman Consumes Human CD 2001
Knowledge... their enemy www


Human Consumes Human - Cover
Dies ist die erste Scheibe der 1998 ins Leben gerufenen griechischen "Grunzer" und kam 2001 auf den Markt. Von vorne nach hinten gut durchdacht und für die Fans des Brutal Death Metals ein Genuss!
Knowledge ... their enemy - Cover
Die Griechen haben die Demokratie erfunden und tanzen Sirtaki, sagt der Volksmund.
Truth Conquers All - Cover
Die "griechischen Grunzer" sind zurück!