

BiografieFrom the ashes of chaos rises Gorath… Set ablaze by F. Dupont as a one man project from 1995 apart from other main underground chapters already closed.

The first winters were a try out and 1996 brought forth a worthless tape "A winter slavery” that would never see the light of day. Gorath’s cold black metal is highly influenced by older Norwegian acts like Ulver, Arcturus, Fleurety, Enslaved, Darkthrone, etc.

The years to come closed Gorath down for a while, hitting back with "Haunting the December chords” in 2003. Since that date S. Vranckx joined forces as a lead poet. That same year the Italian Eyes of the Dead Productions released "Haunting the December chords” again as a split CD with the band Tod. Meanwhile Gorath´s sound has entered the more modern sounding twilight…

One year later, in 2004 to be specific, another split was set. "The blueprints of revolution” came along with the pagan black metal band Theudho. After receiving a lot of positive feedback this one resulted in a deal with Black Owl Records. The very same year Gorath’s debut album "Elite” was recorded and released. This time the vocals done by F. Dupont himself. Aeons may glow in the sun…

Gorath isn’t a live band, but chances aren’t nihil they hit the stage someday…Quelle: Elite www


Montag 12.07.2010
GORATH haben sich gemacht, ihr neues Album “MXCII” ist ein Highlight unter den Black Metal-Alben 2010 geworden. Fronter und Mastermind F. hat seine eigenen Ansichten zur Szene, zum Album und zu der Tatsache, dass aus GORATH eine echte Band geworden ist. Ansichten, die er gerne in teils markigen Worten wiedergibt.
Montag 18.04.2005
Only a few black metal-records really impressed me over the past few years. Seems as if the former innovative scene stagnated and put out only a lot of boring copies. So it’s always nice to discover an album like "Elite” which is fresh-sounding as well as catches the atmosphere of the early nineties, when black metal was at it’s best.


Elite - Cover
GORATH sind mir bisher immer nur als Teilnehmer irgendwelcher Splits aufgefallen, aber so recht begeistert haben mich die Belgier dabei nie.
MXCII - Cover
GORATH gingen hier irgendwie unter, bis auf das famose 2005er-Werk „Elite“ verschwanden die an und für sich rührigen Belgier unter dem Radar.