In der Zeit zwischen FREEFALL und KICK lernten die Brüder Chris Jones und Mikey J. den Sänger Nick Workman kennen.
Windfaerer started as a means of expression for guitarist, bassist, vocalist Michael Gonçalves. He was inspired by his Hispanic/Iberian heritage and fueled by his passion for extreme music.
WINDFALL were formed in July 1999 by Leonidas Deligiorgis (guitars) and Iraklis Deligiorgis (bass guitar) when they were still members of HATRED, a power metal band in Kavala , a city of northern Gree
Eine finstere, unheilvolle Wolke verdunkelt Südkalifornien, denn WINDS OF PLAGUE haben sich erhoben, um mit ihrem zweiten Album einen akustischen Donnerschlag sondergleichen auf die Menschheit loszula
Throughout the years I have read all sorts of things about my personal history, and the history of my band, Winger. Most of it was inaccurate and taken out of context.
Winter Deluge Cover
Auckland’s WINTER DELUGE was formed mid-2005 by brothers Nathan and Aaron Baylis.
Am 10. Oktober 2007 wurde Winterblood von dem Sänger "Fall" gegründet. Im Oktober 2008 stieß Gitarrist "Varulv" zur Band hinzu.
Willkommen in einer Welt der Mythen, Legenden und magischen Momente.
Formed in 2007 with the intention of honouring England’s proud ancestral heritage and rich national culture, WINTERFYLLETH (comprised of members culled from the UKs most devastating doom conting
