The Screaming Shadows are an italian Heavy Metal band founded about ‘97/’98. Their music is
On a warm spring evening in 2002, a meeting took place in Norway. A group of people convened to discuss the possibility of making an album that would impact the music scene.
SCUZZ, das sind 3 nette junge Musiker aus Merzig, im Süd-Westen Deutschlands, die mit ihrer Mischung aus Grunge, Punk und Alternative Rock gegen den Strom schwimmen und sich von anderen Mainstream-Ban
Sweden´s reputation for producing quality death metal continues with Seance.
Searing I was formed in Uppsala, Sweden, in 1999 within the ashes of a death metal band called The Prophecy.
Season Of Dreams
SEASON OF DREAMS was founded by Jean-Michel Volz, the main composer in the band A TASTE OF FREEDOM. He wanted to create a Heavy/Power band with Power Metal influences.
SEASONS OF THE WOLF, Progressive, Gothic, New Age Metal or as our German friends have called it: "Psycho-Hippie-Doom-Metal".
Secret Sphere start for an idea of Aldo Lonobile, on July 1997.
In the year 1999 SECRETUM was founded by Centrox, Maeztro and Evil_e to perform Metal the way it´s supposed to be: hard, fast and aggressive. Bay-Area meets Berlin: SECRETUM (lat.
