
The Gasölines


Welcome to the world of fuel smelling pants, sweaty shirts, burning rubber, a roll of the dice and liquor. Don’t laugh, your daughter (or wife) may be in the back seat.

The Gasölines is a celebration of everything cool of rock from the 1950s to the 1990s and put into 2020s. This is music from a time when rock and roll was all about rythm, blues, fun and rebellion against society.

“We didn’t invent the wheel on this album either. There’s no need to. Rock will forever kick the elite hipsters’ asses with their man buns, fancy coffee, electric kick scooters and vegan smoothies. This is pure rock’n’roll with proper amps, only mics on drums, no autotune, just four guys having a blast in studio”, says Morten Gasöline.

The concept stays true to cars, racing, gambling, women and mental struggles.

«That sums up life, doesn’t it? To me it is a bit darker album lyrically than the debut. I had quite a few tough conversations at the time of writing with close friends who came forward with their mental and physical struggles. I tried to capture that, especially in the song «The Devil In Me». It meant a lot when I wrote it and even more now because the person who said «Yes, that’s how it is!» passed away with cancer before this album is now released», he says.

In this day and age we are surrounded everywhere by voices who tell us what not to do, not to eat, not to drink, not to drive, not to look like.“Add to that war in Europe, inflation, pandemic. Fuck this, we all need kick ass high octane rock more than ever to break away and have a good time too”, says Morten Gasöline.

The Gasölines are:

  • Morten Gasöline: Bass and backing vocals.
  • Adrian Gasöline: Guitars.
  • Sindre Gasöline: Vocals.
  • Eiliv Gasöline: Drums, percussion, piano, backing vocals.
Quelle: Email www