

BiografieFeaturing vocalist/guitarist Rami Jamsa, guitarist Toni Honkala, bassist Juha Telenius and drummer Janne Miikkulainen, Finland's short-lived death metal band Convulse only issued two albums — 1992's World Without God and 1994's Reflections — during brief their career, neither of which brought them much recognition at the time. But hindsight is always 20/20, and they have been retrospectively credited as one of their country's first extreme metal groups of note, even considered by some to be the forefathers of the local ‘Nokia' metal scene, as it's sometimes called.Quelle: www


Evil Prevails - Cover
CONVULSE sind eine entspannte Band, wenn es um Veröffentlichungen geht. Vielleicht auch etwas phlegmatisch, das mag jeder für sich selbst entscheiden.
World Without God (Re-Release) - Cover
CONVULSE haben keine neue Scheibe am Start (“Reflections” ist ja auch schon eine Weile her), vielmehr wird „World Without God“ als Re-Release in die Relapse-Discography aufgeno