

BiografieDuncan Patterson´s career traces back to the early 90´s, when he began his musical incursions as a member of Anathema, a group that would pioneer and remain as forerunners of the unique Doom Metal genre throughout that decade.
Patterson would later also become involved with Antimatter, a project which would find him developing his age-old talent for emotional and atmospheric song-writing into new formats, and which he quit in late 2004 as the early sketches of what would later grow into Íon were drafted.

One can arguably class Íon as Patterson´s most personal creation to date - a creation which he has fathered on his own, and one through which he taps deeper into his spiritual identity and heritage. This musical entity which Patterson has named after the Gaelic word for ´pure´ - a word which accurately pins down the project´s mindset - seems to illude strict categorization, and even the apparently all-encompassing definition of World Music falls short in defining the ethereal moods that "Madre, Protégenos", Íon´s debut album, comes to reveal.
Quelle: http://www.ion.equilibriummusic.comDiscografieMadre, Protégenos CD 2006


Madre, Protégenos - Cover
Insgesamt 14 Musiker schaffen ein ungeheuer miinimalistisches, ruhiges Album - viel hilft eben nicht immer viel, zum Glück.