
PARADISE LOST ohne Drummer

Wie die Band gestern auf ihrer Homepage bekanntgaben, haben sich PARADISE LOST von ihrem Drummer Lee Morris getrennt. Es werden persönliche und musikalische Differenzen als Grund genannt. Ein Ersatzmann ist keiner in Sicht, die Aufnahmen zum neuen Album sollen dadurch nicht gefährdet sein. Lee Morris gab folgendes Statement dazu ab: "I think it was always going to be difficult integrating myself into an already established set-up, and although we have always had a varying degree of opinions, attitude and ethics on things over the last 9 years we have usually always managed to find a happy medium. However, I think that over the last year the divide has really grown to a point where compromise is no longer really an option for any of us to maintain a healthy working relationship. I have complete respect for the band on their decision at this stage in their career, and I want to wish them every success on the forthcoming album and thank them for the good times. As for me, I’m not sure what the future has in store yet, but I do believe that all things in life happen for a reason and as one door closes another opens, so here’s to new beginnings."