

Neue Promo-Wege gehen Necrophagia: es wird keine Pressearbeit für das neue Album “The Divine Art of Torture” geben. Hier das Originalstatement des musizierenden Chef-Duos Killjoy/ Frediablo:
"We feel the music on “Divine Art…” will speak for itself, we have done many interviews over the years and have said all there is to say, nothing has changed ... we are horror fiends, we are horror obsessed and we will continue to make music that is the soundtrack to your worst nightmare, we will tour, we will do new videos and we will follow this release very quickly with another dose of horror and darkness (“Harvest Ritual”), no more long waits in between releases, we wanna keep haunting continually for years to come, thanx for your support and understanding … Fulci lives !!!”
Killjoy and Frediablo on behalf of NECROPHAGIA