
Jonny Lang neues Video "Stronger Together" und Album "Signs“

Es ist das erste Album seit vier Jahren… Jonny Lang veröffentlicht sein neues Studioalbum „Signs“ am 01.09.2017. Kurz vor VÖ am kommenden Freitag gibt es nun brandneu das offizielle Video zu "Stronger Together", hier zu sehen…

Dazu noch ein Zitat von Jonny persönlich:
“A song can be an amazing thing for somebody.  It can be something that turns your entire life around.  When you finish a project, I am convinced I have absolutely drained whatever well of creativity I have access to, and then a year later it turns on again.  You can’t really control when it happens, but when it does I try and get as much of it as I can and record it.  With ‘Stronger Together’, I remember sitting with my wife and playing her the melody and the chords for this song, and asking her if she liked it.  She said I should write it.  I often ask her if it is worth pursuing, and with this one she offered a green light to continue writing that one.  I’ve been doing this since I was about 13 years old,  travelling around playing music.  Certain parts of it get old, but the parts of it that are awesome outweigh all those parts.  I still really love it, and being able to do what you love for a living is pretty amazing.”

Quelle: netinfect