

BORKNAGAR haben ihre Europa-Tour mit FINNTROLL, SUSPERIA, SUIDAKRA and WINDIR abgesagt, weil sie keine angemessenes Transportmittel fanden. Hier die orignale Begründung:
"The Swedish bus company raised their prices 63% and
we tried getting new busses from about all other bus
companies in Europe but it seems like every band on
the planet is on tour at the same time," drummer
Asgeir Mickelson explained via the band´s official web
site. "Last week we managed to get two buses from an
English company but guess what? They both broke down
during the weekend. One of them is now standing
somewhere in Portugal... We´re all pissed off about this. Sorry to all the fans and the bands we were supposed to play with, but there was nothing we could do. Aaaaarrrgh!!!! Despite the cancellation, BORKNAGAR will go ahead and
perform the Norwegian dates as scheduled."
Kaum zu vermuten, dass die restlichen Bands die Dates ohne Headliner durchziehen.