
2003-05-05 Callenish Circle

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Ronny Tyssen, Gitarrist der niederländischen Thrasher von <b>CALLENISH CIRCLE</b> klärt uns über die Texte der neuen Scheibe "My Passion/ Your Pain".InterviewDwelling In Disdain
Handles about jealousy. Jealousy can drive people insane and make them feel so sorry for themselves that they only can think of harming people because of them having more success or luck in life.

Handles about someone hearing voices in his head which are driving him insane, trapping him inside his own world full of lies, without any purposes, living from deception to deception. It’s causing desolation and desperation.

This Truculent Path
Is about getting to know certain things you don’t want to know at all.
Thinking about a situation over and over again can feed your hate and can make you conscienceless to people involved.

What Could Have Been
Describes the consequences of the feeling you get the moment you realize you made the wrong choice, for instance ending a relationship. There’s no way back, so admitting your mistake is of no use. Thinking of how your situation would have been like if you made the right decision back then can have a real big negative impact on your functioning in life.

My Hate Unfolds
Describes the hate you feel against someone who’s completely fulfilled with his own person and in your opinion far too proud of the things he has achieved. Someone who can only think about himself.

Is about triggering the time bomb invisibly hiding within a lot of people.
It describes a situation about someone who thinks he controls his feelings and relies on his conscience he doesn’t have. The bomb is about to detonate when he tries to suppress the rage he’s carrying within towards the people treating him like shit.