Looking at the musical development of ELDRITCH, you will find out how hard and concentrated the band - established in 1991 - has worked over all these years to get to their current level.
"Electric Eeel Shock´s ferocious live show is the most relentlessly energetic we´ve seen in ages... their stage presence is frightening."EES are:
A Brief History of Electric Six
final days of the wretched human race, there is only one antidote to this misery.....THE ELECTRIC WIZARD.
Elegeion arose from the ashes of the underground Australian Black Metal band Greydawn in 1995 under the name Transcendence, consisting of Anthony Kwan and James Wallbridge.
In Ostfriesland und Umgebung aufgrund der intensiven und mitreißenden Live-Shows nicht mehr unbekannt, hat die Band seit ihrem Live-Debut im August 2010 bereits 14 Auftritte absolviert, u. A.
Everything started when three young metallers from Vantaa, Finland wanted not just to listen to metal but also make it themselves.
ELEXORIEN (the Netherlands) was founded in 2004, by Lainedil, Grimbert, Liza and Joris.
Elffor started as Medieval Ambient solo project by Eöl at the end of 1995.
