hi. hier nun ein etwas längeres statement von mir: einige von euch kennen downshifter bereits von unseren live-shows aus dem jahr 2001, u.a. mit solea, kevlar und maple.
Having been around for well over a decade now, Downstairs are a Finnish four-piece that combine a wide range of influences all the way from furious hardcore to catchy pop melodies and even some electr
Downstroke was formed as "The (Paralysing) Prophecy". Their style was a kind of melodic death/gothic metal .The breake of nearly all band members leaves Kai K.
"downthesun is based on a simple Foundation: Friend or foe.Truth or lies. On or off." - Clown #6 (Slipknot)
Gegründet im Herbst 2004 durch Shouter Philipp Ohliger und Gitarrist Sebastian Lammel durchlebte das einstige Soloprojekt stürmische Zeiten.
Dr. Living Dead is the new Thrash/Crossover sensation from Sweden. They have already done a whole tour of Brazil and supported Slayer.
From Gothenburg Dragonland emerged, founded by lead guitarist Nicklas Magnusson of Prophanity (1 album on Blackend/PHD) and Jonas Heidgert summer ´99
To blaze a new path into the dark unknown is a true test of the spirit. To conquer that path and pave the way for others is a grand achievement - one attempted by many but attained by precious few.
Back in 2001 Rad McDadi Formed Valderia. With lots of line up changes Rad felt the need for a new start. Therefore in 2006 he changed the Name to Dragonrider.
The Beginning
