
The Help

BiografieFour thoroughbred musicians who have worked in a great variety of styles and with true legends of the music world, such as Motörhead’s Lemmy Kilmister, singer Sarah Brightman, star-DJs Mousse T. and Paul van Dyk , guitarist Jeff Beck, the Rolling Stones, Living Colour, Depeche Mode, Die Fantastischen Vier, Tarja and the Farmer Boys, to name just a few.

At home on the stage, touring worldwide, year in, year out... then one day chance brings them together and – in spite of their differing musical backgrounds, or is it because? – it clicks.

The impact of that exciting, creative fusion wipes out the distances between continents and styles... Brooklyn or Berlin – this new sound is at home wherever real music-lovers seek a groove freed from the predictability of sterile target audience formats, calculated commercial success and stereotyped thinking.

THE HELP creates a sound born out of pure passion, driven by sheer love for music, with roots from Rock/Metal, HipHop/Soul and Dance/Club music, with an originality and authenticity that has heart, soul... and balls. Here are four exceptional artists who are in this constellation more than the already impressive sum of their parts – they are a must-hear for any serious music aficionado, and to be featured on every watch-list: THE HELP.Quelle: - The Help... Is On The Way


... Is On The Way - Cover
Immer, wenn im Presseinfo erbrochen wird, mit wem welcher Musiker schon die Bühne geteilt hat, gehen bei mir sämtliche Alarmleuchten an.