

BiografieNAVEL: The story of three young lads that don’t need any proof that rock is dead or not. Whether the Blues is beyond dead or here to stay. The history of these three lads is not a fancy biography but a cheap one hurridly scribbled with lipstick on the walls of a backroom toilet: NAVEL. Are here to stay. They play ROCK, even though it’s dead. They play the blues while others fumble their balls. Kill rock stars. Save the great white shark!»

NAVEL’s second album saw the light shortly before their label declared bankruptcy, which was a slap in the face but also mirrored the state of the music industry at the end of 2010. Nothing is all right – at the same time everything’s OK. Never has it been so logical to simply do whatever has to be done. Whatever feels right to do. ́Cos no one gives a toss anyway. NAVEL’s 2nd album NEO NOIR was completely re-recorded in the summer of 2010. A fever was the cause, the wild hinterland, in the Valley of Laufen, Switzerland, the place. Songs where pulled from the lakes of Finland. Lyics dug up from the woods. All mixed by Jari Antti of NAVEL.

NAVEL was once a fantasy during a paper round. A three piece delusion on a conveyor belt in Laufen, Switzerland. In 2007 NAVEL toured Germany with Queens Of The Stone Age. In 2008 NAVEL released their debut with Frozen Souls. 2009 NAVEL played at SXSW in Austin/Texas. And is awarded with the Pop-Preis in Basel, Switzerland. 2010 NAVEL is in shambles. Lawyers knocking on the door asking for money. NAVEL are skint. Standstill. Summer of 2010, NAVEL is now on NOIS-O-LUTION Records, Berlin, Germany. So NEO NOIR is the story of the three friends that make a record. Their second. NEO NOIR is black and new. Neon light and film noir. Water and wine. Birth and death. Fever and darkness. The high-class Digipack Artwork is made by the swiss Artists, Alchemist and Photographer Reto Rigassi. In his very own style he is integrating the photographed motives in the technical process of film developing. Destructive, morbid, dark – same as this acoustic blues-doom-rock-monster NEO NOIR. Enjoy. Turn up LOUD.Quelle: www


Neo Noir - Cover
NAVEL gehen auf „Neo Noir“ dem Plattentitel entsprechend schön dunkle zur Sache und bewegen sich irgendwo in der Schnittmenge von Grunge, britisch anmutenden Klängen Marke OASIS und skandi