
Logar´s Diary

BiografieLogar´s Diary is a Fantasy Power Metal band from Berlin/Germany. We are a six-piece and our songs are dealing with the adventures of the magician Logar in the Earthdawn universe (Earthdawn is a famous role-playing-game). Logar wrote down his quests and found some bards (us, the band!) who wrote the music for his lyrics.

So Logar´s Diary is a 100% concept band and every single album is a story on its own.
The idea of the band was born in spring 1998. After we had finished the songwriting in 1999 we recorded the first chapter of the story, until winter 2000 at Goblins & Gnomes studio. We released "Book 1" as a demo-CD in April 2001, completely financed by ourselves. The reactions were pretty good and we had the opportunity to choose between several record-deal offerings. We signed finally at Metal Fortress Entertainment (MFE) and recorded our second CD.

The CD was finished in 2004, but due to business problems and the replacement of our drummer the CD release was delayed several times.

Now you can be part of the story again, cause "Book 2: Parlainth - The Forgotten City" will be available in digipack on 27th February 2006.

The journey continues...DiscografieBook I: Iostros - CD 2001 www