

BiografieHeresy was founded in 2001 by Erik Gärdefors. Heresy´s music and lyrics were to emphasize something, extreme and magnificent on the basis of different forms of metal and atmospheric music.
In writing his texts, Erik was inspired primarily by philosophy and psychology. The texts are often anti-Christian or anti-religious, but they also deal with great miracles and morbid illusions, or they are simply written in order to create a special dark atmosphere in colourful words.
Once Erik asked his old friend Robert Granli, if he was interested in contributing musical ideas to Heresy´s genre. Robert thought it sounded interesting and suddenly he belonged to Heresy. They recorded the demo "Born Heretic" in January, 2002.

Born Heretic line-up: Erik Gärdefors: Voice, guitars & drums. Robert Granli: Guitars & bass
After a few months Erik attended a concert and heard Orlok play. Erik met Karl Wahllöf, Orlok´s drummer, and asked him if he was interested in Heresy´s plans.
Erik and Karl tested playing together and the result was what Heresy had hoped for, Karl was

member of Heresy.
Two month later Robert decided to leave the band. Erik wrote some new material and Heresy recorded the second demo "Rapture Of The Ego" in January and February, 2003.
(Erik Gärdefors - Karl Wahllöf - Pär Johansson)
Rapture Of The Ego line-up: Erik Gärdefors: Vocals, lead & rhythm guitars.
Karl Wahllöf: Battery.
Henrik Gustafsson: Bass. (guest musician)
Heresy asked Karls old friend Pär Johansson in May 2003, if he would like to join Heresy as a rhythm guitarist.
Pär´s answer was yes. And that is the story so far. Quelle: - Born Heretic
2003 - Rapture Of The Ego
2004 - PerditionUnderdog
Kontakt Erik Gärdefors
Death Metal www


Perdition - Cover
HERESY sind eine weitere schwedische Undergroundband, die auf ihrem dritten Demo "Perdition" thrashigen Death Metal zum Besten geben.