

BiografieDISRUPTED started back in 2001 in Oldenburg/Germany, where four guys felt the need to celebrate devastating, groovy Metalcore. These guys were Nick Hespe (bass/vocals), Malte Scharf (guitar), Johannes Meyerholt (guitar) and Sebastian Bösche (drums).
Presenting their thrash/nu-metal-like sound of that time, they hit the stage in Oldenburg two times in 2002.

A few months later, Sebastian had an accident, which destroyed further live plans. Half a year of rehearsing followed until Sebastian almost had his old punch back. In summer of 2003, DISRUPTED and Nick saw their ways part due to musical differences.

Johannes took on vocals, new bass-guitarist Götz joined the band in September of 2003. All the changes also left their traces in DISRUPTED´s music. Old influences like Deftones, Slayer, Pantera & Machine Head are now joined by new nuances that remind you of Will Haven or even Dissection.

Anyone who likes all or just one of these bands should also lend DISRUPTED an ear. The Mixture of Sebastian´s death-inspired drum-holocaust, Malte´s/Johannes´ innovatory approach to riffing/psycho-shredding/two-voiced-leads as well as Johannes´ voice somewhere between hardcore and black metal.
Quelle: http://www.disrupted-music.deDiscografieKilling Today For A Better Tomorrow EP (2004)Underdog
KontaktSebastian Bösche
AnschriftAm Strehl 138a
26125 Oldenburg
Metalcore aus Oldenburg www